Hoadedhdhoo Assocciation for Dvelopment had conducted “Go Hoadedhdhoo Fiendship Camp” in association with Maldives Youth Action Network form 16 – 17 April 2010. The camp intended to bring the NGOs based in Huvadhoo Atoll to a common platform and share each other’s knowledge and experience to bring a positive change to our communities. In addition it aimed to boost the capacity of NGOs through capacity building sessions and aware youth leaders on environment and climate change
The camp was inaugurated by the Vice president of the Maldives Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik. He highlighted that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders and it is important to empower and build a healthy youth and more programs should be conducted to the youth by the NGOs. Deputy State Minister of Home affairs Mr. Mohamed Shareef also spoke in the briefing session of the camp and said that he hope that the camp would enhance a resolution on challenges to youth and others challenges to the islands and that resolution would be sent to the Upper South Province Office.
Two NGOs from Hoadedhdhdoo, Hoadedhdhoo School, Hoadedhdhoo Health Centre, two NGOs from Thinadhoo, Thinadhoo Police Satiation and two NGOs from Nadella participated which totaled to 40 participants. Sessions on environment, Police business plan, Strategic Planning and Propos
al Writing were conducted. Apart from these sessions a night fishing trip and volleyball match between participants from other islands and participants from Hoadedhdhoo was an important part of the Camp.
The most important part of the camp was the Youth Forum which was a summarized views and suggestions on all the challenges and problem discussed in previous sessions taken. Main areas discussed in the Youth Forum were environmental problems, police Service, Challenges to Youth in Upper South Province and challenges to free and fair elections.
The suggestions and views will be formulated as a resolution and will be sent to the respective government offices. After the forum certificates were given to the participants and HAD’s Executive Director Mr. Imad Mohamed thanked all the participants and specially the organizing partners.