Three members of the Huvadhoo Aid, including the Executive Director, Imad Mohamed participated in the three-day “South Asian Youth Summit on Climate Change 2010 (SAYSoCC10)” held on 27-30th October 2010 in Colombo. The summit was organized by the regional network of South Asian climate organizations. Five Maldivian delegates attended the summit as a member of local NGO, Maldivian Youth Climate …
Month: October 2010
Huvadhoo Aid participated in the Workshop on civil society development (18-20 October 2010)
Huvadhoo Aid participated in the workshop on civil society development organized by UNDP Maldives, held in Male, from 18th to 20th October 2010. The three days workshop is to provide a conceptual guideline to NGOs on the subject of human rights, good governance, gender equality and youth development. In addition, the workshop includes sessions on NGO Management, Project Formulation, Monitoring …
South Huvadhoo Boat Conference on Environment and Climate change 10-10-10, Hoadedhdhoo
Huvadhoo Aid conducted ‘South Huvadhoo Boat Conference on Environment and Climate Change’. The conference was held at Hoadedhdhoo Lagoon in small boats. The conference was inaugurated by the Deputy State Minister Upper South Province Mr. Mohamed Shareef. G.Dh Atoll councilor Mr. Mohamed Hassan Didi also participated in the conference. Three papers were discussed in the conference. The papers were role …
Huvadhoo Aid participated in workshop on Consolidating Democracy and Human Rights through Empowerment of Civil Society
Two members from Huvadhoo Aid participated in three day training workshop titled “Consolidating Democracy and Human Rights through Empowerment of Civil Society” from the 27th to the 29th of September, conducted by Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) in collaboration with the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) . At the opening ceremony, two publications by MDN; the second edition …
South Huvadhoo Boat Conference on Environment and Climate change
Huvadhoo Aid will organize a ‘South Huvadhoo Boat Conference on Environment and Climate Change’ in South Huvadhoo Atoll of Maldives, on 10/10/10 where representatives from community based non governmental organisations, politicians and community groups will participate in the conference by 10 small boats. The idea is to depict the vulnerability of the people in Maldives due to sea-level rise and …