Heducare Project – Upgrading Heducare Preschool and Start of Heducare Training Centre

Huvadhoo Aid volunteers had begun the work of upgrading Heducare preschool and simultaneously Heducare Training centre is preparing to start the courses. Heducare Preschool and Heducare Training Centre are the two major components of Heducare Project which had been launched in the Annual General Meeting 2011

The work of constructing the boundary walls and developing the outdoor facilities of Heducare preschool  is progressing. So far the concrete foundation for the outer wall had been completed and will start the mason works by next week. The coconut trees in the compound had been cut and the compound is cleaned and prepared for developing the outdoor facilities which are necessary for a modern preschool.

Certificate 1 in Information Technology course which is targeted to the students and youth of Hoadedhdhoo is scheduled to start on April. This course will be conducted in affiliation with Huvadhoo Information Technology Centre, Gaaf Dhaal Thinadhoo.  So far forty application forms are being received for this course.

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