Heducare Preschool has started on 17 July 2011 with a red carpet welcome to the first batch of students. Speciall assembly was held in both the sessions. Head of Heducare Preschool Mr. Ahmed Ameez spoke in the assembly held in the first session. He noted that the opening of Heducare Preschool is an important day in the history of Hoadedhdhoo. He also highlighted that Heducare Preschool is the first preschool in Hoadedhdhoo to run in a systametic way with classes from Baby Nursery to U.K.G and said that the school will always work to improve the quality of Education given to the st
udents with modern facilities and training the staff.
Head of School of Hoadedhdhoo School Mr. Midhuhathulla Abdul Azeez attended as the chief guest in the second session assembly and some teachers of Hoadedhdhoo School also attended the assembly. He spoke on importance of preschool education and the role of parents in education especially early childhood education . He advised the parents not to leave the full responsibilty to the teachers since students spend more time at home than at school. Three preschool teachers and one teaching assistant are employed to teach 4 classes. The classes are scheduled in two sessions.