The Executive Director of Huvahoo Aid Mr. Imad Mohamed said that the main challenge to build up a society aware about the human rights is the school teachers being unaware about the human rights. He said so representing the civil society in the Khabaru Fas programme broadcasted by the Voice of Maldives being the vice president of Maldives NGO Federation. He stated that the NGOs had worked and are working to a good extent in human rights sector at the same time facing lack of financial and technical assistance. He also highlighted the work of NGOs will not be fruitful if the heads of government institutions and especially the teachers do not work at the same speed with NGOs. In this regard he said that schools being the centers of building future generations, if the teachers are unaware about the human rights and talk in the sense of violating human rights, a society aware about human rights is unattainable.
He also highlighted the road to strengthen human rights in the country can be attained if all of us work towards a common goal and bring to a standstill to three powers of the state blaming each other, one institution blaming the other . He also said that the civil society must be strengthened and should work independently and we need to develop civil society sector as a branch of consolidating democracy in the countryVice President of Human Rights Commission of the Maldives, A member of Human Rihts Comission, Member of Parliament of Dhuvaafaru Dhaairaa were also presented in the programme