Huvadhoo Aid conducted Life Skills programme to for Grade 8 and 9 students of Hoadedhdhoo School under “Strengthening the Public Response to Combatting Drug Abuse in the South Huvadhoo Atoll project” (funded by UNODC). The programme was held at Hoadedhoo School and 20 students participated in the programme. The programme focused on key life skills such as decision making, saying “no”, conflict resolution, leadership, dealing with peer pressure and bullying. In addition to this awareness session on drug prevention was also covered. Contents of presentations were designed in accordance with age group of the participants.
The programme aimed to build confidence in its participants when dealing with such issues as peer pressure and conflicts within their life. The students were given the opportunity to develop their own ideas on how to say “no” or deal with conflicts, they developed role plays based on these and performed these for the rest of the group. Presentations were also given to encourage their understanding on the different conflicts that could arise, leadership styles they could adopt and how to recognise negative influences, peer pressure and bullying within their lives.