Huvadhoo Aid had conducted “Democracy Evening” to mark the International Day of Demcoracy 2011. The event was held at the playground of Hoadedhdhoo School on 16th September 2011. The event was opened for general public including children, youth and parents. Different activities were carried out a part of the event. A poster drawing competition for children aged between 10 and 16 where they convey their view of parliament in the form of drawing. . A special expression board (Democracy Wall) for citizens was placed for citizens to express their expectations from their parliamentarians.
The most important part of the event was the student parliament presented in the event by the students of Hoadedhdhoo School. Student parliament debated on proposed lands plan of the school compound.
In addition to this Heducare preschool oragnised different games for kids and various playing equipments were kept for children to enjoy. Hoadeddhoo Island Development society as a participating organization distributed leaflets on Children’s Rights and Responsibilities of parents. Information on democracy, human rights and good governance was given throughout the event. Apart from this a special desk was placed to give opportunity for the Youth to apply for 8500 skills training opportunities announced by the government. A large crowd attended the event