Heducare Preschool and Heducare Training centre had lawfully registered under Ministry of Education on 22 June 2011. These two institutions had been established under the Heducare project which had been launched in the Annual General Meeting held earlier this year in January. Heducare project comprises of establishing a modern full facilitated preschool, a tuition centre and a library in the island of Hoadedhdhoo .Both of these institutions will be run by Huvadhoo Aid. Heducare preschool consist two full facilitated class rooms and one multi-purpose child friendly room. The prime motive of the preschool is to develop early childhood education in Hoadedhdhoo.
Under the Heducare training centre Certificate level courses and vocational training programmes will be conducted aiming to enhance training opportunities for the youth thus enhancing them to get the skills for various jobs. Both of these intuitions will be headed by Huvadhoo Aid’s Assistant Executive Director Ahmed Ameez