Today is the last day for the strategic plan which was formulated three years before. In the past three years, yearly work plans were made to achieve the strategic objectives stated in the strategic plan and lot of programmes and projects had been implemented. Construction of the HAD’s administrative office was one of the major project which eased the administration of the organisation and implementation of programmes. Year 2007 was a remarkable year in which a mega project of agriculture funded by UNDP was carried out in the island of Hoadedhdhoo and some other islands in the atoll and HAD was awarded a national award in the field of agriculture. Many other programmes were implemented in 2008 and 2009 out of which include provincial level programmes and projects. Members of HAD also participated in national level workshops and International level workshops.
HAD is currently on the process of formulating the new strategic plan for the coming three years. Consultations at different levels ranging from individuals to government institutions are being carried out for this. Restructuring the organisation is one of the core objective of the HAD which in turn shapes the organisation to work at provincial level. We would also focus to align our objectives with the five pledges of the government and strategic objectives of the government. Moreover human rights and environment are two areas which we will focus in the strategic plan. Strengthening the civil society and capacity building of NGOs is of utmost important focus of our organisation and we believe civil society had a vital role in consolidating democracy in the country which is at an infant stage. Hopefully the new strategic plan will be published on April 2010